Thursday, 14 February 2013

Long time, No type

I have been distant I know, my dissertation is becoming more than I can handle. Social media and the impact it has on consumer buying behaviour bla bla bla in the fashion industry. I am actually quite enjoying the research as it is something I am interested in and passionate about, but I'm starting to panic about the timing of everything.

Enough on the academics. I've said before, I'm some what of a shoe fanatic... I don't actually have that many shoes tho! Since the last post I have acquired a few new pairs...

Its all about white:
I saw these and fell in love.
Holographic Heaven:

Add some fun to my feet.

The Wedged Trainer:

I gave in, I said I wouldn't but these were a steal.
Last, but surely not least:

It's all about the height.

White Loafers: Schuh
Metallic Creepers: Schuh
Wedged Trainers: Primark
Jeffrey Campbell: Diffusion

So, what d'ya think.... I think they are all perfect... Do I feel guilty... Just think 'cost per wear' guys!

I'm taking the Jeffrey's out on Saturday ;-) 

P.s Happy Valentine's Day