Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Forgotten Garden

So that task I was doing at work, planning and implementing a display case in a shopping centre. I did it yesterday morning. After the research and sourcing the props, I just hoped that it would look as good in real life as it did in my head. and it did! yay!

I loved researching a theme and had a couple of ideas but decided on a 'forgotten garden' theme, as its officially been Autumn for a while now, well you may even call it winter here in Scotland! I felt like it was a little bit of a safe theme, but I tried to put my own twist on it. I had to stop myself getting carried away and remember that the purpose of the display was to showcase the shoes! haha.

I love creating mood boards, so when I was given this task I didn't pass up the opportunity to create one!

My handy work -

What's your Autumn theme?


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